
Max Launches New Navigation Menu

Jan 28 Posted by in Press Releases | Comments

Max Launches New Navigation Menu

Beginning today, Max is rolling out an updated navigation menu to streamline the user browsing experience on connected TV devices globally. On adult profiles in the U.S., the new navigation menu relocates the Home, Series, Movies, HBO, B/R Sports, and CNN Max content lenses from the top of the page into the left side utility menu, which already includes Search and My Stuff functionalities, Settings, and Profiles. The global UI update, which is slightly modified across regions to fit local needs, follows successful tests in Latin America and will begin with a phased roll out approach, initially launching for a small number of users and increasing over time.

This update also introduces “What’s New,” a new navigation page showcasing content that has recently arrived on the platform, as well as those coming or leaving soon, and “Categories,” a new pathway for users to browse titles by genre, brand, and thematic collections. These changes allow users to explore Max’s expansive content library and edit their preferences more intuitively and provides additional real estate for content previews in the top section of the homepage.