Based on the popular Netflix original animated series, Home: Adventures with Tip & Oh, the Home For the Holidays special finds Oh experiencing his very first Christmas on earth. Unfamiliar with any of these human traditions, Tip does her best to explain Christmas to Oh and they decide to bring the holiday magic to Boovsland. When the Boovs’ unfounded enthusiasm and outlandish interpretation of Christmas wreak havoc and threaten to ruin the holiday for everyone on Earth, Tip and Oh have to get help from some special new friends to save the Season! Kelly Clarkson plays an animated version of herself and sings “Oh Holy Night” as well as “Christmas is a Feeling.” Ben Schwartz joins the merriment as an animated version of himself, singing “Eight Days of Latkes” spreading the joy of Hanukkah. Through unforgettable Christmas classics in addition to new holiday songs – Tip and Oh learn that what matters most during the holidays is the warm, fuzzy feeling you get when surrounded by your loved ones! DreamWorks Home: For the Holidays is coming exclusively to Netflix on December 1st!